Source code for et_xmlfile.xmlfile

from __future__ import absolute_import
# Copyright (c) 2010-2015 openpyxl

"""Implements the lxml.etree.xmlfile API using the standard library xml.etree"""

from contextlib import contextmanager

from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element, tostring

[docs]class LxmlSyntaxError(Exception): pass
class _FakeIncrementalFileWriter(object): """Replacement for _IncrementalFileWriter of lxml. Uses ElementTree to build xml in memory.""" def __init__(self, output_file): self._element_stack = [] self._top_element = None self._file = output_file self._have_root = False @contextmanager def element(self, tag, attrib=None, nsmap=None, **_extra): """Create a new xml element using a context manager. The elements are written when the top level context is left. This is for code compatibility only as it is quite slow. """ # __enter__ part self._have_root = True if attrib is None: attrib = {} self._top_element = Element(tag, attrib=attrib, **_extra) self._top_element.text = '' self._top_element.tail = '' self._element_stack.append(self._top_element) yield # __exit__ part el = self._element_stack.pop() if self._element_stack: parent = self._element_stack[-1] parent.append(self._top_element) self._top_element = parent else: self._write_element(el) self._top_element = None def write(self, arg): """Write a string or subelement.""" if isinstance(arg, str): # it is not allowed to write a string outside of an element if self._top_element is None: raise LxmlSyntaxError() if len(self._top_element) == 0: # element has no children: add string to text self._top_element.text += arg else: # element has children: add string to tail of last child self._top_element[-1].tail += arg else: if self._top_element is not None: self._top_element.append(arg) elif not self._have_root: self._write_element(arg) else: raise LxmlSyntaxError() def _write_element(self, element): xml = tostring(element) self._file.write(xml) def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): # without root the xml document is incomplete if not self._have_root: raise LxmlSyntaxError()
[docs]class xmlfile(object): """Context manager that can replace lxml.etree.xmlfile.""" def __init__(self, output_file, buffered=False, encoding=None, close=False): if isinstance(output_file, str): self._file = open(output_file, 'wb') self._close = True else: self._file = output_file self._close = close def __enter__(self): return _FakeIncrementalFileWriter(self._file) def __exit__(self, type, value, traceback): if self._close == True: self._file.close()